
The fall of 2015 was extremely dry throughout most of southwestern Ontario, which resulted in the majority (90%) of wheat being planted at, and even before, optimal seeding dates. The early planting dates combined with abnormally warm fall weather resulted in the most advanced wheat fields having wheat plants with 7 to 10 tillers per plant. (Figure 1) This left many producers wondering how to best manage these wheat fields to maximize yield, and in particular, how to reduce the risk of lodging. In New Zealand and the UK agronomists recommend delayed nitrogen (N) application on extremely advanced wheat. Typically N applications would be delayed until the plant has reached Zadoc stage 32 (second node), with the concept that depayed N would “starve off” some of the weaker tillers. This trial was designed to compare different nitrogen (N) strategies on extremely advanced wheat in Ontario growing conditions, to both reduce lodging and maximize yield potential.

Read the entire report here: Managing Big Wheat (2016)