The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) heterodera glycines (HG)is the most important yield-reducing pathogen throughout Ontario and the US. In order to minimize the impact of SCN and educate Ontario soybean producers and the soybean industry/advisors about this very destructive soybean disease OMAFRA and AAFC are participating in a North Central Soybean Research Program Project in partnership with the Grain Farmers of Ontario. The projects aim is to improve SCN Management in the northern soybean production areas. This proposal aims to investigate new objectives targeting further reductions in losses and improved SCN management through the evaluations of new nematicidal seed treatments and how these products affect SCN populations and soybean yields. Another direct result of this project will be the production of SCN educational materials in conjunction with collaborating north central U.S. states.  

Read the entire report here: Evaluation of Nematicides for Soybean Cyst Nematode Management